The Plot Twist – Victoria Walters

One new boss, one ex-boyfriend, one big dilemma…

Stevie Phillips has just landed her dream job working for a publishing company and it seems like this is page one of her new, improved life.

But her first day throws more curveballs than she thinks she can handle: there’s been a takeover and the whole publicity team has been fired. And her new boss is the last face she expected to see.

Because Noah Anderson also happens to be her ex-boyfriend.

Thrown together on a campaign for a book the rest of the staff don’t want to touch with a barge-pole, Stevie resolves to make the best of a bad situation. This is her chance to prove herself, and she’s not going to let the man who broke her heart ruin it for her.

When Noah starts hinting that there was more to their break up than him just not loving her, Stevie’s resolution starts to wobble. Getting back with your ex is never a good idea is it?  Especially not when your ex is also your boss…

Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Plot Twist. Thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources, Victoria Walters and Boldwood Books for the chance to take part.

Stevie is about to start her dream job in publishing, having found the courage to go for what she wants in life. However, her first day is not the perfect day she had dreamed of but instead she walks into an office which has just been taken over and she has a new boss, her ex-boyfriend, Noah. Forced to work together Stevie debates whether the job she has been dreaming of is worth it having to work alongside the man who broke her heart. As she learns things weren’t as they appeared when Noah ended their relationship her resolve to keep him at arms distance starts to disappear. Is it ever a good idea to get back with your ex?

I loved Stevie, as a romance book lover I felt I connected with her instantly and was rooting for her from the beginning wanting her to succeed in her new job and shouting about the brilliance of romance novels. Noah sounds like the perfect book boyfriend, under the hard exterior that he has built up there is a softness underneath. The chemistry between the two was clear from the start and you were just waiting to see it explode.

Having read Victoria’s previous romance book, The Love Interest, I had met Stevie as the side character and knew that her own story would be just as good. And a romance novel that is about a bookworm and features books heavily will always be a win to me.

This is a swoony romance celebrating love and romance fiction. What more could I book lover need? I loved it!

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